Newsletter Advertising
Members wanting to advertise their items FOR SALE or WANTED in the club newsletter The Side Valve V8 Times, should contact the Editor (see Committee page)
Commercial businesses wanting to advertise in the club newsletter The Side Valve V8 Times should contact the Membership Secretary (see Committee page)
Newsletter Information
The Side Valve V8 Times
January February edition 2016 | January 1Oth |
March April edition 2016 | March 10 |
May June edition 2016 | May 10 |
July August edition 2016 | July 10 |
September October 2016 | September 10 |
November December 2016 | November 10 |
Requests for Newsletters
All Requests should be sent to Editors Coordinators’
Bob Felsovary
Martin Lynch mlynchl8læ
Wanted Help “the newsletter editoi give me a story on your Ford.
If you haven’t been on the front cover, this is your opportunity.
Newsletter Award 2015
The club newsletter, The Side Valve V8 Times has been awarded 5th place in the 2015 international judging system for newsletters for the 3rd consecutive year. This presigious award rcognises the work of our editor, Bob Felsovary, and the input from various club members. Also we got special prize from
Well done team!
Newsletter Exchange
The Early Ford V8 Club Victoria exchanges newsletter with a range of like minded clubs and organisations. Hard copy newsletters received by post are made available at meetings. Emailed newsletters are printed in black & white and also available at club meetings
International newsletters are exchanged via email. If members wish to read these newsletters in full colour via email only in accordance with the conditions below, please contact the Secretary (see Committee page)
This newsletter exchange is based on a "club to club" basis. Therefore under this arrangement we need to be clear that it is a service available only to you (as a memeber). The magazines are not to be forwarded to others, either outside or inside The Early Ford V8 Club Victoria. After all, club magazines are only produced by the enthusiasm and funds of the club members. It would be highly inappropriate to forward copies to non-members who avoid the costs of contribution. Any breach of this understanding will result in removal of the person responsible from the email list and cessation the service to that member.
If you are from another like minded club and wish to exchange your newsletter with ours for the benefit of club members, please contact the Secretary (see Committee page).